import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
    del EE_df
    del ls
except  NameError:

Sensor Date Volume Event Label St Label Lat Lng Direction Freeway Tag
0 S125 10/3/2018 27018 October Wed 2018 WB 94 from dwtn 44.99888 -93.28266 From 1
1 S137 10/3/2018 35116 October Wed 2018 EB 94 to dwtn 44.99898 -93.28297 To 1
2 S2 10/3/2018 0 October Wed 2018 SB 35W from dwtn 44.96259 -93.26997 From 2
3 S285 10/3/2018 74299 October Wed 2018 WB 394 from dwtn 44.97002 -93.30761 From 3
4 S286 10/3/2018 68473 October Wed 2018 EB 394 to dwtn 44.96977 -93.30786 To 3
# len(EE_df)
# set(list(EE_df["Sensor"].values))
# EE_df.columns
def modi_Twins_Opener(x):
        if (x.split()[1]=="Twins")and(x.split()[2]=="Opener"):
            return '2018 Twins Opener'
            return x
        return x
EE_df["Event Label_2"]=EE_df["Event Label"].apply(modi_Twins_Opener);
EE_df.drop(columns=["Event Label"],inplace=True);
EE_df.rename(columns={"Event Label_2":"Event Label"},inplace=True);

#EE_df.set_index(["Event Label","Sensor"]);
def FromOrTodowntown(x):
    def fromto(y):
        if y=="from":
            return "out"
            return "in"
    return fromto(x.split()[-2])
def road(x):
    return ' '.join(a[::-1])

EE_df["Direction(from/to)"]=EE_df["St Label"].apply(FromOrTodowntown);
EE_df["road"]=EE_df["St Label"].apply(road);

events=list(EE_df["Event Label"].unique());
events=list(EE_df["Event Label"].unique());


EE_df["name_sensor"]=EE_df["road"]+'('+EE_df[ "Sensor"]+")";

from IPython.display import display
import numpy as np
from ipywidgets import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_flow_event(b):
    aa=EE_df.groupby(["Event Label"]).get_group(b).sort_values(by="road");
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,5))
    bar_width = 0.35
    index = np.arange(5)

    rects1 =, flow_in, bar_width,
                alpha = opacity,
                color = 'b',
                label = 'To MPLS')
    rects2 =, flow_out, bar_width,
                alpha = opacity,
                color = 'r',
                label = 'From MPLS')

#     print(index)
#     print(sensors_in.values)
#     fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,5))
    #plt.set_ylabel("vehicle flow")
    #plt.set_title(f"Traffic to and from MPLS\n{b}")
    plt.ylabel('Volume of Cars')
    plt.title(f"Traffic to and from MPLS\n{b}")
    plt.xticks(index + bar_width, ('35W_SB(in)', '35W_NB(in)', '394WB(in)', '94WB(in)', '94WB(in)'))
    return None
output = interactive_output(plot_flow_event, w1)
box = VBox([*w1.values(), output])
print("output in an interactive way")

#plot_flow_event("October Wed 2018")
output in an interactive way
def plot_flow_sensor(b):
    aa=EE_df.groupby(["sensor_name"]).get_group(b).sort_values(by="Event Label");
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,3))["Event Label"],aa["Volume"])
    ax.set_xticklabels(aa["Event Label"],rotation=45,ha="right")
    ax.set_ylabel("vehicle flow")


output = interactive_output(plot_flow_sensor, w2)
box = VBox([*w2.values(), output])
def plot_flow_event_all(b,ax):
    aa=EE_df.groupby(["Event Label"]).get_group(b).sort_values(by="road");
    #fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,5))
    if (b2==0):
        box = ax[b1,b2].get_position()
    return None
fig, ax = plt.subplots(6,2,sharex='all',figsize=(17,8))

# leg=np.zeros((6,2))
for b in events:
title=fig.suptitle("vechicle flow for 12 sensors",fontsize=22,color="red")
#fig.legend((leg[0,0],leg[0,1]), ('Line 1', 'Line 2'), 'upper left')
# box = ax[3,1].get_position()
# pos=ax[].set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height])

# # Put a legend to the right of the current axis
# leg=ax1.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1.0))

Some observations:

  • for events 'October Wed 2018'(10/3/2018 ) and 'Vikings Opener'(9/9/2018), 35 W NB(S64) and 35W SB(S2) are closed. Bothe of these events.

  • for events 'October Wed 2015', 35W NB(S569),35W SB(S582),394 WB(S285),394 EB(S286) are all closed

  • for events October Wed 2016','94 WB(S553),'94 WB(S125) are closed
  • We can discern many sensor "pairs", e.g., 35W SB(S2)&35W NB(S64), 35W NB(S569)&35W SB(S582), 394 WB(S285)&394 EB(S286),94 WB(S553)&94 WB(S554), 94 EB(S137)& 94 WB(S125). For each pair, they are on the same highway and near to each other, one in-going and another out-going from the downtown. The flow magnitude in each pair is very close to each other.
##calculate distance between paired sensors
# from math import sin, cos, sqrt, atan2
# R = 6373.0
# lat1 = 52.2296756
# lon1 = 21.0122287
# lat2 = 52.406374
# lon2 = 16.9251681
# dlon = lon2 - lon1
# dlat = lat2 - lat1
# a = (sin(dlat/2))**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * (sin(dlon/2))**2
# c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a))
# distance = R * c
# sensors=list(EE_df["Sensor"].unique())
# sensors
# EE_df.groupby("Sensor")[["Lat","Lng"]].get_group(sensors[0])
for b in events:
    aa=EE_df.groupby(["Event Label"]).get_group(b).sort_values(by="road");
#     ss=list(aa["Sensor"].values);
#     sensors_in=[ss[index_in[i]] for i in range(5)];
#     sensors_out=[ss[index_out[i]] for i in range(5)];
#     sensors_in
#     sensors_out
S64      35W NB(S64)
S582    35W SB(S582)
S286    394 EB(S286)
S553     94 WB(S553)
S137     94 EB(S137)
Name: name_sensor, dtype: object
S64     To
S582    To
S286    To
S553    To
S137    To
Name: Direction, dtype: object
35W oSB(S2)&35W NB(S64), 35W NB(S569)&35W SB(S582), 394 WB(S285)&394 EB(S286),94 WB(S553)&94 WB(S554), 94 EB(S137)& 94 WB(S125). 
  File "<ipython-input-20-89ad25140883>", line 1
    35W SB(S2)&35W NB(S64), 35W NB(S569)&35W SB(S582), 394 WB(S285)&394 EB(S286),94 WB(S553)&94 WB(S554), 94 EB(S137)& 94 WB(S125).
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
index=[ index[i]-1 for i in range(len(index))]
[4, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 8, 10, 7]
[3, 1, 0, 2, 4, 5, 8, 7, 9, 6]
EE_df.groupby("Event Label")["Date"].get_group('Vikings Opener');
[3, 0, 4, 8, 9]
[1, 2, 5, 7, 6]
Sensor Date Volume St Label Lat Lng Direction Freeway Tag Event Label Direction(from/to) road sensor_name name_sensor sensor_fromto
0 S125 10/3/2018 27018 WB 94 from dwtn 44.99888 -93.28266 From 1 October Wed 2018 out 94 WB S125(94 WB) 94 WB(S125) 94 WB,S125,out
1 S137 10/3/2018 35116 EB 94 to dwtn 44.99898 -93.28297 To 1 October Wed 2018 in 94 EB S137(94 EB) 94 EB(S137) 94 EB,S137,in
2 S2 10/3/2018 0 SB 35W from dwtn 44.96259 -93.26997 From 2 October Wed 2018 out 35W SB S2(35W SB) 35W SB(S2) 35W SB,S2,out
3 S285 10/3/2018 74299 WB 394 from dwtn 44.97002 -93.30761 From 3 October Wed 2018 out 394 WB S285(394 WB) 394 WB(S285) 394 WB,S285,out
4 S286 10/3/2018 68473 EB 394 to dwtn 44.96977 -93.30786 To 3 October Wed 2018 in 394 EB S286(394 EB) 394 EB(S286) 394 EB,S286,in
5 S553 10/3/2018 62121 WB 94 to dwtn 44.96436 -93.23804 To 4 October Wed 2018 in 94 WB S553(94 WB) 94 WB(S553) 94 WB,S553,in
6 S554 10/3/2018 79477 EB 94 from dwtn 44.96422 -93.23944 From 4 October Wed 2018 out 94 EB S554(94 EB) 94 EB(S554) 94 EB,S554,out
7 S569 10/3/2018 63958 NB 35W from dwtn 44.99116 -93.23629 From 5 October Wed 2018 out 35W NB S569(35W NB) 35W NB(S569) 35W NB,S569,out
8 S582 10/3/2018 63701 SB 35W to dwtn 44.99115 -93.23659 To 5 October Wed 2018 in 35W SB S582(35W SB) 35W SB(S582) 35W SB,S582,in
9 S64 10/3/2018 0 NB 35W to dwtn 44.96239 -93.26959 To 2 October Wed 2018 in 35W NB S64(35W NB) 35W NB(S64) 35W NB,S64,in
10 S125 9/9/2018 20129 WB 94 from dwtn 44.99888 -93.28266 From 1 Vikings Opener out 94 WB S125(94 WB) 94 WB(S125) 94 WB,S125,out
11 S137 9/9/2018 24578 EB 94 to dwtn 44.99898 -93.28297 To 1 Vikings Opener in 94 EB S137(94 EB) 94 EB(S137) 94 EB,S137,in
12 S2 9/9/2018 0 SB 35W from dwtn 44.96259 -93.26997 From 2 Vikings Opener out 35W SB S2(35W SB) 35W SB(S2) 35W SB,S2,out
13 S285 9/9/2018 48508 WB 394 from dwtn 44.97002 -93.30761 From 3 Vikings Opener out 394 WB S285(394 WB) 394 WB(S285) 394 WB,S285,out
14 S286 9/9/2018 53102 EB 394 to dwtn 44.96977 -93.30786 To 3 Vikings Opener in 394 EB S286(394 EB) 394 EB(S286) 394 EB,S286,in
15 S553 9/9/2018 52381 WB 94 to dwtn 44.96436 -93.23804 To 4 Vikings Opener in 94 WB S553(94 WB) 94 WB(S553) 94 WB,S553,in
16 S554 9/9/2018 58174 EB 94 from dwtn 44.96422 -93.23944 From 4 Vikings Opener out 94 EB S554(94 EB) 94 EB(S554) 94 EB,S554,out
17 S569 9/9/2018 46199 NB 35W from dwtn 44.99116 -93.23629 From 5 Vikings Opener out 35W NB S569(35W NB) 35W NB(S569) 35W NB,S569,out
18 S582 9/9/2018 47704 SB 35W to dwtn 44.99115 -93.23659 To 5 Vikings Opener in 35W SB S582(35W SB) 35W SB(S582) 35W SB,S582,in
19 S64 9/9/2018 0 NB 35W to dwtn 44.96239 -93.26959 To 2 Vikings Opener in 35W NB S64(35W NB) 35W NB(S64) 35W NB,S64,in
20 S125 7/6/2018 25242 WB 94 from dwtn 44.99888 -93.28266 From 1 Basilica Block Party 2018 out 94 WB S125(94 WB) 94 WB(S125) 94 WB,S125,out
21 S137 7/6/2018 31014 EB 94 to dwtn 44.99898 -93.28297 To 1 Basilica Block Party 2018 in 94 EB S137(94 EB) 94 EB(S137) 94 EB,S137,in
22 S2 7/6/2018 0 SB 35W from dwtn 44.96259 -93.26997 From 2 Basilica Block Party 2018 out 35W SB S2(35W SB) 35W SB(S2) 35W SB,S2,out
23 S285 7/6/2018 62951 WB 394 from dwtn 44.97002 -93.30761 From 3 Basilica Block Party 2018 out 394 WB S285(394 WB) 394 WB(S285) 394 WB,S285,out
24 S286 7/6/2018 63321 EB 394 to dwtn 44.96977 -93.30786 To 3 Basilica Block Party 2018 in 394 EB S286(394 EB) 394 EB(S286) 394 EB,S286,in
25 S553 7/6/2018 65544 WB 94 to dwtn 44.96436 -93.23804 To 4 Basilica Block Party 2018 in 94 WB S553(94 WB) 94 WB(S553) 94 WB,S553,in
26 S554 7/6/2018 70789 EB 94 from dwtn 44.96422 -93.23944 From 4 Basilica Block Party 2018 out 94 EB S554(94 EB) 94 EB(S554) 94 EB,S554,out
27 S569 7/6/2018 61320 NB 35W from dwtn 44.99116 -93.23629 From 5 Basilica Block Party 2018 out 35W NB S569(35W NB) 35W NB(S569) 35W NB,S569,out
28 S582 7/6/2018 59476 SB 35W to dwtn 44.99115 -93.23659 To 5 Basilica Block Party 2018 in 35W SB S582(35W SB) 35W SB(S582) 35W SB,S582,in
29 S64 7/6/2018 0 NB 35W to dwtn 44.96239 -93.26959 To 2 Basilica Block Party 2018 in 35W NB S64(35W NB) 35W NB(S64) 35W NB,S64,in
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
90 S125 8/19/2016 44617 WB 94 from dwtn 44.99888 -93.28266 From 1 US Bank 1st Concert out 94 WB S125(94 WB) 94 WB(S125) 94 WB,S125,out
91 S137 8/19/2016 46780 EB 94 to dwtn 44.99898 -93.28297 To 1 US Bank 1st Concert in 94 EB S137(94 EB) 94 EB(S137) 94 EB,S137,in
92 S2 8/19/2016 52966 SB 35W from dwtn 44.96259 -93.26997 From 2 US Bank 1st Concert out 35W SB S2(35W SB) 35W SB(S2) 35W SB,S2,out
93 S285 8/19/2016 69939 WB 394 from dwtn 44.97002 -93.30761 From 3 US Bank 1st Concert out 394 WB S285(394 WB) 394 WB(S285) 394 WB,S285,out
94 S286 8/19/2016 64944 EB 394 to dwtn 44.96977 -93.30786 To 3 US Bank 1st Concert in 394 EB S286(394 EB) 394 EB(S286) 394 EB,S286,in
95 S553 8/19/2016 79536 WB 94 to dwtn 44.96436 -93.23804 To 4 US Bank 1st Concert in 94 WB S553(94 WB) 94 WB(S553) 94 WB,S553,in
96 S554 8/19/2016 81195 EB 94 from dwtn 44.96422 -93.23944 From 4 US Bank 1st Concert out 94 EB S554(94 EB) 94 EB(S554) 94 EB,S554,out
97 S569 8/19/2016 73534 NB 35W from dwtn 44.99116 -93.23629 From 5 US Bank 1st Concert out 35W NB S569(35W NB) 35W NB(S569) 35W NB,S569,out
98 S582 8/19/2016 75769 SB 35W to dwtn 44.99115 -93.23659 To 5 US Bank 1st Concert in 35W SB S582(35W SB) 35W SB(S582) 35W SB,S582,in
99 S64 8/19/2016 52247 NB 35W to dwtn 44.96239 -93.26959 To 2 US Bank 1st Concert in 35W NB S64(35W NB) 35W NB(S64) 35W NB,S64,in
100 S125 10/7/2015 36472 WB 94 from dwtn 44.99888 -93.28266 From 1 October Wed 2015 out 94 WB S125(94 WB) 94 WB(S125) 94 WB,S125,out
101 S137 10/7/2015 45761 EB 94 to dwtn 44.99898 -93.28297 To 1 October Wed 2015 in 94 EB S137(94 EB) 94 EB(S137) 94 EB,S137,in
102 S2 10/7/2015 51682 SB 35W from dwtn 44.96259 -93.26997 From 2 October Wed 2015 out 35W SB S2(35W SB) 35W SB(S2) 35W SB,S2,out
103 S285 10/7/2015 0 WB 394 from dwtn 44.97002 -93.30761 From 3 October Wed 2015 out 394 WB S285(394 WB) 394 WB(S285) 394 WB,S285,out
104 S286 10/7/2015 0 EB 394 to dwtn 44.96977 -93.30786 To 3 October Wed 2015 in 394 EB S286(394 EB) 394 EB(S286) 394 EB,S286,in
105 S553 10/7/2015 73749 WB 94 to dwtn 44.96436 -93.23804 To 4 October Wed 2015 in 94 WB S553(94 WB) 94 WB(S553) 94 WB,S553,in
106 S554 10/7/2015 78710 EB 94 from dwtn 44.96422 -93.23944 From 4 October Wed 2015 out 94 EB S554(94 EB) 94 EB(S554) 94 EB,S554,out
107 S569 10/7/2015 0 NB 35W from dwtn 44.99116 -93.23629 From 5 October Wed 2015 out 35W NB S569(35W NB) 35W NB(S569) 35W NB,S569,out
108 S582 10/7/2015 0 SB 35W to dwtn 44.99115 -93.23659 To 5 October Wed 2015 in 35W SB S582(35W SB) 35W SB(S582) 35W SB,S582,in
109 S64 10/7/2015 50902 NB 35W to dwtn 44.96239 -93.26959 To 2 October Wed 2015 in 35W NB S64(35W NB) 35W NB(S64) 35W NB,S64,in
110 S125 10/1/2014 41962 WB 94 from dwtn 44.99888 -93.28266 From 1 October Wed 2014 out 94 WB S125(94 WB) 94 WB(S125) 94 WB,S125,out
111 S137 10/1/2014 43865 EB 94 to dwtn 44.99898 -93.28297 To 1 October Wed 2014 in 94 EB S137(94 EB) 94 EB(S137) 94 EB,S137,in
112 S2 10/1/2014 47217 SB 35W from dwtn 44.96259 -93.26997 From 2 October Wed 2014 out 35W SB S2(35W SB) 35W SB(S2) 35W SB,S2,out
113 S285 10/1/2014 73063 WB 394 from dwtn 44.97002 -93.30761 From 3 October Wed 2014 out 394 WB S285(394 WB) 394 WB(S285) 394 WB,S285,out
114 S286 10/1/2014 64398 EB 394 to dwtn 44.96977 -93.30786 To 3 October Wed 2014 in 394 EB S286(394 EB) 394 EB(S286) 394 EB,S286,in
115 S553 10/1/2014 74646 WB 94 to dwtn 44.96436 -93.23804 To 4 October Wed 2014 in 94 WB S553(94 WB) 94 WB(S553) 94 WB,S553,in
116 S554 10/1/2014 76355 EB 94 from dwtn 44.96422 -93.23944 From 4 October Wed 2014 out 94 EB S554(94 EB) 94 EB(S554) 94 EB,S554,out
117 S569 10/1/2014 5 NB 35W from dwtn 44.99116 -93.23629 From 5 October Wed 2014 out 35W NB S569(35W NB) 35W NB(S569) 35W NB,S569,out
118 S582 10/1/2014 48084 SB 35W to dwtn 44.99115 -93.23659 To 5 October Wed 2014 in 35W SB S582(35W SB) 35W SB(S582) 35W SB,S582,in
119 S64 10/1/2014 46598 NB 35W to dwtn 44.96239 -93.26959 To 2 October Wed 2014 in 35W NB S64(35W NB) 35W NB(S64) 35W NB,S64,in

120 rows × 14 columns